About Our Clothing Label


This is us, raw and in our element being the best versions of ourselves for our little Ru.

We are a family of three that live on the end of the Great Ocean Road in Victoria in a coastal town called Warrnambool. Heidi is a professional wedding photographer and Husband Lochie is a self employed Painter, and together we own Little Roo as a joint business idea that sparkled after becoming parents to our daughter Rumi Esmae in April this year, hence the brand name “Little Roo”.

We have spent many months developing this idea of becoming brand owners with many back and forth concepts as to which path we would like to take. We have designed and still continue to design our own clothing with apparel companies that bring our vision to life and we can not be any prouder. Furthermore, we are also proud stockists of already established brands such as Grown and Riverside Apparel which are Australian based clothing brands.

This is an amazing opportunity and we are very excited that you are here today for us on our new business journey together. We can only hope you love our apparel label as much as we do.

We look forward to packing your beautiful parcels with love.

♡ LR. x


Our contribution to creating a brighter future.


We are very fortunate to live in an era where there are ethical resources that can help sustain our future, so we have taken advantage of this. We use eco friendly compostable shipping mailers. So not only are you buying goodies for tiny humans of the future, you are also playing a vital part in saving our beautiful Planet for them.

We have learnt that recycling as a solution to the plastic problem is not enough. 90-95% of plastics and food scraps end up in landfill, and in that environment, they turn into methane which is a deadly enemy of our Planet. They also excrete micro-plastics into the environment. Therefore, we decided to supply shipping mailers for our customers orders that are home compostable, but also made from such materials that if they did happen to end up in landfill, they would still break down with no waste.

When your order arrives, simply take out the contents and drop your bag in the compost or green waste bin. For even better use, you may wish to burry it in your garden.
